Sehen 明治東亰恋伽 Ganzer Film. Set after the drama series "Meiji Tokyo Renka." High school student Mei Ayazuki (Rikka Ihara) has travelled back in time to Tokyo in the Meiji period. She meets various historical figures from that time period. The identity of mysterious magician Chari (Yutaka Kobayashi) is revealed. (via Asianwiki)
- Genre: Liebesfilm
- Land: Japan
- Direktor: Kôji Soejima
- Besetzung: 宮崎秋人, 伊原六花, 山崎大輝, 久保田悠来, 岩永徹也, 松島庄汰, 小林豊, Takahashi Makaha, Okito Waku, Toman,